
Package xml

import "encoding/xml"

Overview ▾

Package xml implements a simple XML 1.0 parser that understands XML name spaces.

Example (CustomMarshalXML)


package xml_test

import (

type Animal int

const (
    Unknown Animal = iota

func (a *Animal) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
    var s string
    if err := d.DecodeElement(&s, &start); err != nil {
        return err
    switch strings.ToLower(s) {
        *a = Unknown
    case "gopher":
        *a = Gopher
    case "zebra":
        *a = Zebra

    return nil

func (a Animal) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
    var s string
    switch a {
        s = "unknown"
    case Gopher:
        s = "gopher"
    case Zebra:
        s = "zebra"
    return e.EncodeElement(s, start)

func Example_customMarshalXML() {
    blob := `
    var zoo struct {
        Animals []Animal `xml:"animal"`
    if err := xml.Unmarshal([]byte(blob), &zoo); err != nil {

    census := make(map[Animal]int)
    for _, animal := range zoo.Animals {
        census[animal] += 1

    fmt.Printf("Zoo Census:\n* Gophers: %d\n* Zebras:  %d\n* Unknown: %d\n",
        census[Gopher], census[Zebra], census[Unknown])

    // Output:
    // Zoo Census:
    // * Gophers: 3
    // * Zebras:  2
    // * Unknown: 3

Example (TextMarshalXML)


package xml_test

import (

type Size int

const (
    Unrecognized Size = iota

func (s *Size) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {
    switch strings.ToLower(string(text)) {
        *s = Unrecognized
    case "small":
        *s = Small
    case "large":
        *s = Large
    return nil

func (s Size) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
    var name string
    switch s {
        name = "unrecognized"
    case Small:
        name = "small"
    case Large:
        name = "large"
    return []byte(name), nil

func Example_textMarshalXML() {
    blob := `
    var inventory struct {
        Sizes []Size `xml:"size"`
    if err := xml.Unmarshal([]byte(blob), &inventory); err != nil {

    counts := make(map[Size]int)
    for _, size := range inventory.Sizes {
        counts[size] += 1

    fmt.Printf("Inventory Counts:\n* Small:        %d\n* Large:        %d\n* Unrecognized: %d\n",
        counts[Small], counts[Large], counts[Unrecognized])

    // Output:
    // Inventory Counts:
    // * Small:        3
    // * Large:        2
    // * Unrecognized: 3

Index ▾

func Escape(w io.Writer, s []byte)
func EscapeText(w io.Writer, s []byte) error
func Marshal(v interface{}) ([]byte, error)
func MarshalIndent(v interface{}, prefix, indent string) ([]byte, error)
func Unmarshal(data []byte, v interface{}) error
type Attr
type CharData
    func (c CharData) Copy() CharData
type Comment
    func (c Comment) Copy() Comment
type Decoder
    func NewDecoder(r io.Reader) *Decoder
    func NewTokenDecoder(t TokenReader) *Decoder
    func (d *Decoder) Decode(v interface{}) error
    func (d *Decoder) DecodeElement(v interface{}, start *StartElement) error
    func (d *Decoder) InputOffset() int64
    func (d *Decoder) RawToken() (Token, error)
    func (d *Decoder) Skip() error
    func (d *Decoder) Token() (Token, error)
type Directive
    func (d Directive) Copy() Directive
type Encoder
    func NewEncoder(w io.Writer) *Encoder
    func (enc *Encoder) Encode(v interface{}) error
    func (enc *Encoder) EncodeElement(v interface{}, start StartElement) error
    func (enc *Encoder) EncodeToken(t Token) error
    func (enc *Encoder) Flush() error
    func (enc *Encoder) Indent(prefix, indent string)
type EndElement
type Marshaler
type MarshalerAttr
type Name
type ProcInst
    func (p ProcInst) Copy() ProcInst
type StartElement
    func (e StartElement) Copy() StartElement
    func (e StartElement) End() EndElement
type SyntaxError
    func (e *SyntaxError) Error() string
type TagPathError
    func (e *TagPathError) Error() string
type Token
    func CopyToken(t Token) Token
type TokenReader
type UnmarshalError
    func (e UnmarshalError) Error() string
type Unmarshaler
type UnmarshalerAttr
type UnsupportedTypeError
    func (e *UnsupportedTypeError) Error() string

Package files

marshal.go read.go typeinfo.go xml.go


const (
    // Header is a generic XML header suitable for use with the output of Marshal.
    // This is not automatically added to any output of this package,
    // it is provided as a convenience.
    Header = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>` + "\n"


HTMLAutoClose is the set of HTML elements that should be considered to close automatically.

See the Decoder.Strict and Decoder.Entity fields' documentation.

var HTMLAutoClose []string = htmlAutoClose

HTMLEntity is an entity map containing translations for the standard HTML entity characters.

See the Decoder.Strict and Decoder.Entity fields' documentation.

var HTMLEntity map[string]string = htmlEntity

func Escape

func Escape(w io.Writer, s []byte)

Escape is like EscapeText but omits the error return value. It is provided for backwards compatibility with Go 1.0. Code targeting Go 1.1 or later should use EscapeText.

func EscapeText

func EscapeText(w io.Writer, s []byte) error

EscapeText writes to w the properly escaped XML equivalent of the plain text data s.

func Marshal

func Marshal(v interface{}) ([]byte, error)

Marshal returns the XML encoding of v.

Marshal handles an array or slice by marshaling each of the elements. Marshal handles a pointer by marshaling the value it points at or, if the pointer is nil, by writing nothing. Marshal handles an interface value by marshaling the value it contains or, if the interface value is nil, by writing nothing. Marshal handles all other data by writing one or more XML elements containing the data.

The name for the XML elements is taken from, in order of preference:

- the tag on the XMLName field, if the data is a struct
- the value of the XMLName field of type Name
- the tag of the struct field used to obtain the data
- the name of the struct field used to obtain the data
- the name of the marshaled type

The XML element for a struct contains marshaled elements for each of the exported fields of the struct, with these exceptions:

- the XMLName field, described above, is omitted.
- a field with tag "-" is omitted.
- a field with tag "name,attr" becomes an attribute with
  the given name in the XML element.
- a field with tag ",attr" becomes an attribute with the
  field name in the XML element.
- a field with tag ",chardata" is written as character data,
  not as an XML element.
- a field with tag ",cdata" is written as character data
  wrapped in one or more <![CDATA[ ... ]]> tags, not as an XML element.
- a field with tag ",innerxml" is written verbatim, not subject
  to the usual marshaling procedure.
- a field with tag ",comment" is written as an XML comment, not
  subject to the usual marshaling procedure. It must not contain
  the "--" string within it.
- a field with a tag including the "omitempty" option is omitted
  if the field value is empty. The empty values are false, 0, any
  nil pointer or interface value, and any array, slice, map, or
  string of length zero.
- an anonymous struct field is handled as if the fields of its
  value were part of the outer struct.
- a field implementing Marshaler is written by calling its MarshalXML
- a field implementing encoding.TextMarshaler is written by encoding the
  result of its MarshalText method as text.

If a field uses a tag "a>b>c", then the element c will be nested inside parent elements a and b. Fields that appear next to each other that name the same parent will be enclosed in one XML element.

If the XML name for a struct field is defined by both the field tag and the struct's XMLName field, the names must match.

See MarshalIndent for an example.

Marshal will return an error if asked to marshal a channel, function, or map.

func MarshalIndent

func MarshalIndent(v interface{}, prefix, indent string) ([]byte, error)

MarshalIndent works like Marshal, but each XML element begins on a new indented line that starts with prefix and is followed by one or more copies of indent according to the nesting depth.



type Address struct {
    City, State string
type Person struct {
    XMLName   xml.Name `xml:"person"`
    Id        int      `xml:"id,attr"`
    FirstName string   `xml:"name>first"`
    LastName  string   `xml:"name>last"`
    Age       int      `xml:"age"`
    Height    float32  `xml:"height,omitempty"`
    Married   bool
    Comment string `xml:",comment"`

v := &Person{Id: 13, FirstName: "John", LastName: "Doe", Age: 42}
v.Comment = " Need more details. "
v.Address = Address{"Hanga Roa", "Easter Island"}

output, err := xml.MarshalIndent(v, "  ", "    ")
if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("error: %v\n", err)



  <person id="13">
      <City>Hanga Roa</City>
      <State>Easter Island</State>
      <!-- Need more details. -->

func Unmarshal

func Unmarshal(data []byte, v interface{}) error

Unmarshal parses the XML-encoded data and stores the result in the value pointed to by v, which must be an arbitrary struct, slice, or string. Well-formed data that does not fit into v is discarded.

Because Unmarshal uses the reflect package, it can only assign to exported (upper case) fields. Unmarshal uses a case-sensitive comparison to match XML element names to tag values and struct field names.

Unmarshal maps an XML element to a struct using the following rules. In the rules, the tag of a field refers to the value associated with the key 'xml' in the struct field's tag (see the example above).

* If the struct has a field of type []byte or string with tag
   ",innerxml", Unmarshal accumulates the raw XML nested inside the
   element in that field. The rest of the rules still apply.

* If the struct has a field named XMLName of type Name,
   Unmarshal records the element name in that field.

* If the XMLName field has an associated tag of the form
   "name" or "namespace-URL name", the XML element must have
   the given name (and, optionally, name space) or else Unmarshal
   returns an error.

* If the XML element has an attribute whose name matches a
   struct field name with an associated tag containing ",attr" or
   the explicit name in a struct field tag of the form "name,attr",
   Unmarshal records the attribute value in that field.

* If the XML element has an attribute not handled by the previous
   rule and the struct has a field with an associated tag containing
   ",any,attr", Unmarshal records the attribute value in the first
   such field.

* If the XML element contains character data, that data is
   accumulated in the first struct field that has tag ",chardata".
   The struct field may have type []byte or string.
   If there is no such field, the character data is discarded.

* If the XML element contains comments, they are accumulated in
   the first struct field that has tag ",comment".  The struct
   field may have type []byte or string. If there is no such
   field, the comments are discarded.

* If the XML element contains a sub-element whose name matches
   the prefix of a tag formatted as "a" or "a>b>c", unmarshal
   will descend into the XML structure looking for elements with the
   given names, and will map the innermost elements to that struct
   field. A tag starting with ">" is equivalent to one starting
   with the field name followed by ">".

* If the XML element contains a sub-element whose name matches
   a struct field's XMLName tag and the struct field has no
   explicit name tag as per the previous rule, unmarshal maps
   the sub-element to that struct field.

* If the XML element contains a sub-element whose name matches a
   field without any mode flags (",attr", ",chardata", etc), Unmarshal
   maps the sub-element to that struct field.

* If the XML element contains a sub-element that hasn't matched any
   of the above rules and the struct has a field with tag ",any",
   unmarshal maps the sub-element to that struct field.

* An anonymous struct field is handled as if the fields of its
   value were part of the outer struct.

* A struct field with tag "-" is never unmarshaled into.

If Unmarshal encounters a field type that implements the Unmarshaler interface, Unmarshal calls its UnmarshalXML method to produce the value from the XML element. Otherwise, if the value implements encoding.TextUnmarshaler, Unmarshal calls that value's UnmarshalText method.

Unmarshal maps an XML element to a string or []byte by saving the concatenation of that element's character data in the string or []byte. The saved []byte is never nil.

Unmarshal maps an attribute value to a string or []byte by saving the value in the string or slice.

Unmarshal maps an attribute value to an Attr by saving the attribute, including its name, in the Attr.

Unmarshal maps an XML element or attribute value to a slice by extending the length of the slice and mapping the element or attribute to the newly created value.

Unmarshal maps an XML element or attribute value to a bool by setting it to the boolean value represented by the string. Whitespace is trimmed and ignored.

Unmarshal maps an XML element or attribute value to an integer or floating-point field by setting the field to the result of interpreting the string value in decimal. There is no check for overflow. Whitespace is trimmed and ignored.

Unmarshal maps an XML element to a Name by recording the element name.

Unmarshal maps an XML element to a pointer by setting the pointer to a freshly allocated value and then mapping the element to that value.

A missing element or empty attribute value will be unmarshaled as a zero value. If the field is a slice, a zero value will be appended to the field. Otherwise, the field will be set to its zero value.


This example demonstrates unmarshaling an XML excerpt into a value with some preset fields. Note that the Phone field isn't modified and that the XML <Company> element is ignored. Also, the Groups field is assigned considering the element path provided in its tag.


type Email struct {
    Where string `xml:"where,attr"`
    Addr  string
type Address struct {
    City, State string
type Result struct {
    XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Person"`
    Name    string   `xml:"FullName"`
    Phone   string
    Email   []Email
    Groups  []string `xml:"Group>Value"`
v := Result{Name: "none", Phone: "none"}

data := `
            <FullName>Grace R. Emlin</FullName>
            <Company>Example Inc.</Company>
            <Email where="home">
            <Email where='work'>
            <City>Hanga Roa</City>
            <State>Easter Island</State>
err := xml.Unmarshal([]byte(data), &v)
if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("error: %v", err)
fmt.Printf("XMLName: %#v\n", v.XMLName)
fmt.Printf("Name: %q\n", v.Name)
fmt.Printf("Phone: %q\n", v.Phone)
fmt.Printf("Email: %v\n", v.Email)
fmt.Printf("Groups: %v\n", v.Groups)
fmt.Printf("Address: %v\n", v.Address)


XMLName: xml.Name{Space:"", Local:"Person"}
Name: "Grace R. Emlin"
Phone: "none"
Email: [{home gre@example.com} {work gre@work.com}]
Groups: [Friends Squash]
Address: {Hanga Roa Easter Island}

type Attr

An Attr represents an attribute in an XML element (Name=Value).

type Attr struct {
    Name  Name
    Value string

type CharData

A CharData represents XML character data (raw text), in which XML escape sequences have been replaced by the characters they represent.

type CharData []byte

func (CharData) Copy

func (c CharData) Copy() CharData

Copy creates a new copy of CharData.

type Comment

A Comment represents an XML comment of the form <!--comment-->. The bytes do not include the <!-- and --> comment markers.

type Comment []byte

func (Comment) Copy

func (c Comment) Copy() Comment

Copy creates a new copy of Comment.

type Decoder

A Decoder represents an XML parser reading a particular input stream. The parser assumes that its input is encoded in UTF-8.

type Decoder struct {
    // Strict defaults to true, enforcing the requirements
    // of the XML specification.
    // If set to false, the parser allows input containing common
    // mistakes:
    //	* If an element is missing an end tag, the parser invents
    //	  end tags as necessary to keep the return values from Token
    //	  properly balanced.
    //	* In attribute values and character data, unknown or malformed
    //	  character entities (sequences beginning with &) are left alone.
    // Setting:
    //	d.Strict = false
    //	d.AutoClose = xml.HTMLAutoClose
    //	d.Entity = xml.HTMLEntity
    // creates a parser that can handle typical HTML.
    // Strict mode does not enforce the requirements of the XML name spaces TR.
    // In particular it does not reject name space tags using undefined prefixes.
    // Such tags are recorded with the unknown prefix as the name space URL.
    Strict bool

    // When Strict == false, AutoClose indicates a set of elements to
    // consider closed immediately after they are opened, regardless
    // of whether an end element is present.
    AutoClose []string

    // Entity can be used to map non-standard entity names to string replacements.
    // The parser behaves as if these standard mappings are present in the map,
    // regardless of the actual map content:
    //	"lt": "<",
    //	"gt": ">",
    //	"amp": "&",
    //	"apos": "'",
    //	"quot": `"`,
    Entity map[string]string

    // CharsetReader, if non-nil, defines a function to generate
    // charset-conversion readers, converting from the provided
    // non-UTF-8 charset into UTF-8. If CharsetReader is nil or
    // returns an error, parsing stops with an error. One of the
    // CharsetReader's result values must be non-nil.
    CharsetReader func(charset string, input io.Reader) (io.Reader, error)

    // DefaultSpace sets the default name space used for unadorned tags,
    // as if the entire XML stream were wrapped in an element containing
    // the attribute xmlns="DefaultSpace".
    DefaultSpace string
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewDecoder

func NewDecoder(r io.Reader) *Decoder

NewDecoder creates a new XML parser reading from r. If r does not implement io.ByteReader, NewDecoder will do its own buffering.

func NewTokenDecoder

func NewTokenDecoder(t TokenReader) *Decoder

NewTokenDecoder creates a new XML parser using an underlying token stream.

func (*Decoder) Decode

func (d *Decoder) Decode(v interface{}) error

Decode works like Unmarshal, except it reads the decoder stream to find the start element.

func (*Decoder) DecodeElement

func (d *Decoder) DecodeElement(v interface{}, start *StartElement) error

DecodeElement works like Unmarshal except that it takes a pointer to the start XML element to decode into v. It is useful when a client reads some raw XML tokens itself but also wants to defer to Unmarshal for some elements.

func (*Decoder) InputOffset

func (d *Decoder) InputOffset() int64

InputOffset returns the input stream byte offset of the current decoder position. The offset gives the location of the end of the most recently returned token and the beginning of the next token.

func (*Decoder) RawToken

func (d *Decoder) RawToken() (Token, error)

RawToken is like Token but does not verify that start and end elements match and does not translate name space prefixes to their corresponding URLs.

func (*Decoder) Skip

func (d *Decoder) Skip() error

Skip reads tokens until it has consumed the end element matching the most recent start element already consumed. It recurs if it encounters a start element, so it can be used to skip nested structures. It returns nil if it finds an end element matching the start element; otherwise it returns an error describing the problem.

func (*Decoder) Token

func (d *Decoder) Token() (Token, error)

Token returns the next XML token in the input stream. At the end of the input stream, Token returns nil, io.EOF.

Slices of bytes in the returned token data refer to the parser's internal buffer and remain valid only until the next call to Token. To acquire a copy of the bytes, call CopyToken or the token's Copy method.

Token expands self-closing elements such as <br/> into separate start and end elements returned by successive calls.

Token guarantees that the StartElement and EndElement tokens it returns are properly nested and matched: if Token encounters an unexpected end element or EOF before all expected end elements, it will return an error.

Token implements XML name spaces as described by https://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/. Each of the Name structures contained in the Token has the Space set to the URL identifying its name space when known. If Token encounters an unrecognized name space prefix, it uses the prefix as the Space rather than report an error.

type Directive

A Directive represents an XML directive of the form <!text>. The bytes do not include the <! and > markers.

type Directive []byte

func (Directive) Copy

func (d Directive) Copy() Directive

Copy creates a new copy of Directive.

type Encoder

An Encoder writes XML data to an output stream.

type Encoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields



type Address struct {
    City, State string
type Person struct {
    XMLName   xml.Name `xml:"person"`
    Id        int      `xml:"id,attr"`
    FirstName string   `xml:"name>first"`
    LastName  string   `xml:"name>last"`
    Age       int      `xml:"age"`
    Height    float32  `xml:"height,omitempty"`
    Married   bool
    Comment string `xml:",comment"`

v := &Person{Id: 13, FirstName: "John", LastName: "Doe", Age: 42}
v.Comment = " Need more details. "
v.Address = Address{"Hanga Roa", "Easter Island"}

enc := xml.NewEncoder(os.Stdout)
enc.Indent("  ", "    ")
if err := enc.Encode(v); err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("error: %v\n", err)


  <person id="13">
      <City>Hanga Roa</City>
      <State>Easter Island</State>
      <!-- Need more details. -->

func NewEncoder

func NewEncoder(w io.Writer) *Encoder

NewEncoder returns a new encoder that writes to w.

func (*Encoder) Encode

func (enc *Encoder) Encode(v interface{}) error

Encode writes the XML encoding of v to the stream.

See the documentation for Marshal for details about the conversion of Go values to XML.

Encode calls Flush before returning.

func (*Encoder) EncodeElement

func (enc *Encoder) EncodeElement(v interface{}, start StartElement) error

EncodeElement writes the XML encoding of v to the stream, using start as the outermost tag in the encoding.

See the documentation for Marshal for details about the conversion of Go values to XML.

EncodeElement calls Flush before returning.

func (*Encoder) EncodeToken

func (enc *Encoder) EncodeToken(t Token) error

EncodeToken writes the given XML token to the stream. It returns an error if StartElement and EndElement tokens are not properly matched.

EncodeToken does not call Flush, because usually it is part of a larger operation such as Encode or EncodeElement (or a custom Marshaler's MarshalXML invoked during those), and those will call Flush when finished. Callers that create an Encoder and then invoke EncodeToken directly, without using Encode or EncodeElement, need to call Flush when finished to ensure that the XML is written to the underlying writer.

EncodeToken allows writing a ProcInst with Target set to "xml" only as the first token in the stream.

func (*Encoder) Flush

func (enc *Encoder) Flush() error

Flush flushes any buffered XML to the underlying writer. See the EncodeToken documentation for details about when it is necessary.

func (*Encoder) Indent

func (enc *Encoder) Indent(prefix, indent string)

Indent sets the encoder to generate XML in which each element begins on a new indented line that starts with prefix and is followed by one or more copies of indent according to the nesting depth.

type EndElement

An EndElement represents an XML end element.

type EndElement struct {
    Name Name

type Marshaler

Marshaler is the interface implemented by objects that can marshal themselves into valid XML elements.

MarshalXML encodes the receiver as zero or more XML elements. By convention, arrays or slices are typically encoded as a sequence of elements, one per entry. Using start as the element tag is not required, but doing so will enable Unmarshal to match the XML elements to the correct struct field. One common implementation strategy is to construct a separate value with a layout corresponding to the desired XML and then to encode it using e.EncodeElement. Another common strategy is to use repeated calls to e.EncodeToken to generate the XML output one token at a time. The sequence of encoded tokens must make up zero or more valid XML elements.

type Marshaler interface {
    MarshalXML(e *Encoder, start StartElement) error

type MarshalerAttr

MarshalerAttr is the interface implemented by objects that can marshal themselves into valid XML attributes.

MarshalXMLAttr returns an XML attribute with the encoded value of the receiver. Using name as the attribute name is not required, but doing so will enable Unmarshal to match the attribute to the correct struct field. If MarshalXMLAttr returns the zero attribute Attr{}, no attribute will be generated in the output. MarshalXMLAttr is used only for struct fields with the "attr" option in the field tag.

type MarshalerAttr interface {
    MarshalXMLAttr(name Name) (Attr, error)

type Name

A Name represents an XML name (Local) annotated with a name space identifier (Space). In tokens returned by Decoder.Token, the Space identifier is given as a canonical URL, not the short prefix used in the document being parsed.

type Name struct {
    Space, Local string

type ProcInst

A ProcInst represents an XML processing instruction of the form <?target inst?>

type ProcInst struct {
    Target string
    Inst   []byte

func (ProcInst) Copy

func (p ProcInst) Copy() ProcInst

Copy creates a new copy of ProcInst.

type StartElement

A StartElement represents an XML start element.

type StartElement struct {
    Name Name
    Attr []Attr

func (StartElement) Copy

func (e StartElement) Copy() StartElement

Copy creates a new copy of StartElement.

func (StartElement) End

func (e StartElement) End() EndElement

End returns the corresponding XML end element.

type SyntaxError

A SyntaxError represents a syntax error in the XML input stream.

type SyntaxError struct {
    Msg  string
    Line int

func (*SyntaxError) Error

func (e *SyntaxError) Error() string

type TagPathError

A TagPathError represents an error in the unmarshaling process caused by the use of field tags with conflicting paths.

type TagPathError struct {
    Struct       reflect.Type
    Field1, Tag1 string
    Field2, Tag2 string

func (*TagPathError) Error

func (e *TagPathError) Error() string

type Token

A Token is an interface holding one of the token types: StartElement, EndElement, CharData, Comment, ProcInst, or Directive.

type Token interface{}

func CopyToken

func CopyToken(t Token) Token

CopyToken returns a copy of a Token.

type TokenReader

A TokenReader is anything that can decode a stream of XML tokens, including a Decoder.

When Token encounters an error or end-of-file condition after successfully reading a token, it returns the token. It may return the (non-nil) error from the same call or return the error (and a nil token) from a subsequent call. An instance of this general case is that a TokenReader returning a non-nil token at the end of the token stream may return either io.EOF or a nil error. The next Read should return nil, io.EOF.

Implementations of Token are discouraged from returning a nil token with a nil error. Callers should treat a return of nil, nil as indicating that nothing happened; in particular it does not indicate EOF.

type TokenReader interface {
    Token() (Token, error)

type UnmarshalError

An UnmarshalError represents an error in the unmarshaling process.

type UnmarshalError string

func (UnmarshalError) Error

func (e UnmarshalError) Error() string

type Unmarshaler

Unmarshaler is the interface implemented by objects that can unmarshal an XML element description of themselves.

UnmarshalXML decodes a single XML element beginning with the given start element. If it returns an error, the outer call to Unmarshal stops and returns that error. UnmarshalXML must consume exactly one XML element. One common implementation strategy is to unmarshal into a separate value with a layout matching the expected XML using d.DecodeElement, and then to copy the data from that value into the receiver. Another common strategy is to use d.Token to process the XML object one token at a time. UnmarshalXML may not use d.RawToken.

type Unmarshaler interface {
    UnmarshalXML(d *Decoder, start StartElement) error

type UnmarshalerAttr

UnmarshalerAttr is the interface implemented by objects that can unmarshal an XML attribute description of themselves.

UnmarshalXMLAttr decodes a single XML attribute. If it returns an error, the outer call to Unmarshal stops and returns that error. UnmarshalXMLAttr is used only for struct fields with the "attr" option in the field tag.

type UnmarshalerAttr interface {
    UnmarshalXMLAttr(attr Attr) error

type UnsupportedTypeError

UnsupportedTypeError is returned when Marshal encounters a type that cannot be converted into XML.

type UnsupportedTypeError struct {
    Type reflect.Type

func (*UnsupportedTypeError) Error

func (e *UnsupportedTypeError) Error() string
