
Package fcgi

import "net/http/fcgi"

Overview ▾

Package fcgi implements the FastCGI protocol.

See https://fast-cgi.github.io/ for an unofficial mirror of the original documentation.

Currently only the responder role is supported.


ErrConnClosed is returned by Read when a handler attempts to read the body of a request after the connection to the web server has been closed.

var ErrConnClosed = errors.New("fcgi: connection to web server closed")

ErrRequestAborted is returned by Read when a handler attempts to read the body of a request that has been aborted by the web server.

var ErrRequestAborted = errors.New("fcgi: request aborted by web server")

func ProcessEnv

func ProcessEnv(r *http.Request) map[string]string

ProcessEnv returns FastCGI environment variables associated with the request r for which no effort was made to be included in the request itself - the data is hidden in the request's context. As an example, if REMOTE_USER is set for a request, it will not be found anywhere in r, but it will be included in ProcessEnv's response (via r's context).

func Serve

func Serve(l net.Listener, handler http.Handler) error

Serve accepts incoming FastCGI connections on the listener l, creating a new goroutine for each. The goroutine reads requests and then calls handler to reply to them. If l is nil, Serve accepts connections from os.Stdin. If handler is nil, http.DefaultServeMux is used.