
Package sys

import "runtime/internal/sys"

Overview ▾

package sys contains system- and configuration- and architecture-specific constants used by the runtime.


const (
    TheChar       = '6'
    BigEndian     = 0
    CacheLineSize = 64
    PhysPageSize  = 4096
    PCQuantum     = 1
    Int64Align    = 8
    HugePageSize  = 1 << 21
    MinFrameSize  = 0
const DefaultGoroot = `/usr/local/go`
const Goarch386 = 0
const GoarchAmd64 = 1
const GoarchAmd64p32 = 0
const GoarchArm = 0
const GoarchArm64 = 0
const GoarchArm64be = 0
const GoarchArmbe = 0
const GoarchMips = 0
const GoarchMips64 = 0
const GoarchMips64le = 0
const GoarchMips64p32 = 0
const GoarchMips64p32le = 0
const GoarchMipsle = 0
const GoarchPpc = 0
const GoarchPpc64 = 0
const GoarchPpc64le = 0
const GoarchS390 = 0
const GoarchS390x = 0
const GoarchSparc = 0
const GoarchSparc64 = 0
const Goexperiment = ``
const GoosAndroid = 0
const GoosDarwin = 0
const GoosDragonfly = 0
const GoosFreebsd = 0
const GoosLinux = 1
const GoosNacl = 0
const GoosNetbsd = 0
const GoosOpenbsd = 0
const GoosPlan9 = 0
const GoosSolaris = 0
const GoosWindows = 0
const PtrSize = 4 << (^uintptr(0) >> 63) // unsafe.Sizeof(uintptr(0)) but an ideal const
const RegSize = 4 << (^Uintreg(0) >> 63) // unsafe.Sizeof(uintreg(0)) but an ideal const
const SpAlign = 1*(1-GoarchArm64) + 16*GoarchArm64
const StackGuardMultiplier = 1
const TheGoarch = `amd64`
const TheGoos = `linux`
const TheVersion = `go1.6.4`

type Uintreg

type Uintreg uint64